Friday, December 23, 2011

The Quest for Love and Self, Part I

[Excerpt from Volume One - Summer 2011]

It’s probably fair to say that my adult life began upon graduation from undergraduate school.  While I didn’t go to college to get my “MRS.” like so many other girls do, I did have a boyfriend in my senior year who wanted to marry me. Looking forward to my adult hood I was on the fast track to success.  I had excelled in school. I already had a good job before graduation and the next thing for me to do was to get married and settle down. This man that I was dating was as qualified as any. He was cute, funny, smart, and employed. I had completely bought into the notion that while women could be smart and have jobs too; they really should aspire to be wives. Good wives. It was the quasi-independence of womanhood in the status quo. So when the opportunity presented itself to me, I grabbed it. By those terms I was ultra-successful – married by the October after my May graduation.
I knew the first year of my marriage that I had made a terrible mistake. The man that was so attracted to me for my brains, sex appeal, independence and wittiness had somehow convinced me that in order to be the perfect wife I needed to be completely submissive; I needed to worship him; I didn’t need to spend time with my girlfriends because I supposedly loved him, not my girlfriends; that freakiness was not Godly or acceptable in a Christian marriage; and that I shouldn’t do anything or go anywhere without checking with him first and gaining his approval. In fact he didn’t want me to use my brain at all.
This was my first real experience in a relationship. I married nearly 16 years ago. To this day I don’t know if I was ever in love or if he ever loved me. I was infatuated with the concept of marriage and being a wife. Because of this I allowed this man to manipulate me and control me. Why, oh why was I such an overachiever? Jokingly today I call what I was in, a merger not a marriage. This was one accomplishment for which I wish I never aspired. I was so caught up with being a wife that I forgot to be me – that I forgot how to be me.
Before I said “I do,” I was very outgoing. I had many friends and enjoyed being social and meeting people. I was involved in many extracurricular activities and sports teams. I went to most of the big parties on the various college campuses in the area. And I had a few boyfriends that chased me hard and fast throughout college. I had achieved everything I had set out to do. Goal setting and accomplishing those goals came easy to me. I attended most of my classes in college and finished undergrad with a B average. I had applied for my first job and started working even before graduation. More importantly I was never a follower. I was a leader and everyone else followed me.
This was who I was and I never gave much thought to it. Maybe I should have, because no one ever challenged me or tried to change me. So when my husband set out to do just that- I didn’t recognize the behavior.

To be continued...

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